Beacon Teachers

Research and Advocacy Programs

BETA is a research hive. We have a serious appetite for research and we are constantly pushing to unveil and understand phenomenon through collection, collation  and analysis of data from across all our areas of operation.BETA also partners with like -minded institutions for research. Teachers learn to be investors in children and not to teach for teaching sake.The thousands of teachers who will share their stories on a daily basis are the first point of call for BETA research gut. Part of the research happens through the SEMA WAZI forums as children air out their views on issues. These forums are indeed a serious research portal. We are constantly researching. Each school presents a research centre and each beacon teacher is a researcher by default.

 BETA collects and analyses cases of abuse of children and documents the same as lessons learnt are shared and remedial measures appropriated. Our advocacy programmes are largely aimed at ensuring equity and equality as we maximize access, retention and transition for learners. In this program teachers identify needy children and intervene to get them learning. In some instances, teachers will go out into community and locate children out of school and then intervene in the issues keeping such children from school and at the end of the day ensure such children get back to school. Many children are abused in school and at home. Beacon teachers work to ensure that they spread the gospel on non-punitive approaches to discipline to own colleagues within their schools and in other schools. Beacon Teachers also take time tp speak to parents on positive discipline. The Beacon Teachers have also learnt to spot children in need even when such children are not speaking. With that, they engage the children, their parents and the school administration or the Children officers and help the child up.

Advocacy includes identifying offenders of children and escalating such cases to the duty bearers as children are given skills for self protection and protection of children.  This program gives teachers tools for identifying and responding to abuse and networking skills that enable them spend minimum efforts following on cases. Teachers come together quite often and contribute own resources  to enable children access and remain in school. Under this program, teachers have also been instrumental in providing communities with solutions to some uncommon challenges.